In your Lifetime
The Most Memorable People in your life will be the ones who loved you when you weren’t very lovable.
When Life Knocks You Down
The Most Memorable People
Collect Moments
Collect Moments.. Not things…
Simply Don’t Care…
Be Persistent
9 Beautiful Messages
1) Stay away from anger It hurts Only You!
2) If you are right then there is no need to get angry, And if you are wrong then you don’t have any right To get angry.
3) Patience with family is love, Patience with others is respect. Patience with self is confidence and Patience with GOD is faith.
Dont Chase People
Who is Important
I came along a nice piece of Article that I would like to share with you .
1. Name the 5 wealthiest people in the world..?
2.Name the last 5 winners of Miss. Universe..?
3.Name the last 10 ppl who won d Nobel prize..?
How did u do?